Measure the number of rolls:
It is necessary to determine the amount of wallpaper required for you to place an order online. We help you to understand this in simple steps.
In case, you need further guidance, please call us on 8850669169 to help you with the process. Please have the measurements of your wall ready in order to help you out.
First, make sure, while calculating, everything should be measured in the same units.
X = width of the wall(m) 3.45
Y=length of the wall(m) 2.8
R=repeat(m) 0.2
A=Wallpaper width 0.53
B=Wallpaper length 10.05
WS2=Wall surfacesize X x Y
WP2=Wallpaper surface size A x B
(X+R)xY =WS2 (3.45+0.2)x2.8 = 10.22—Round to 11
AxB=WP2 0.53×10.05 = 5.3—Round to 5
WS2/WP2 =No of rolls required for your project
11/5 = 2.2 ———Round to 3
No. of rolls required = 3