IUM 108

(3703 customer reviews)

Available on backorder

  • Code: IUM 108
  • Brand : Khroma
  • Catalogue Name : Helium
  • Design Type: Non Woven
  • Roll width (M): 0.53M *10.05M
  • Roll Size (M): 57 Sqft
  • Match: Offset Match
  • Cleaning: Spongable
  • Cost per sq.feet :Rs 232
  • Repeat: 64 cm / 25.2 inch
  • Weight: 150 g/m


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Off White

Technical Specifications

Brand Khroma
Design Type Non Woven
Roll width (M) 0.53M *10.05M
Match Offset Match
Cleaning Spongable
Product Dimensions 21.9 x 31.4 x 1.8 cm

Based on 3703 reviews

2.5 overall

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