
ZERO 9781

(4688 customer reviews)
Cristiana Masi

  • Code: ZERO 9781
  • Brand : Cristiana Masi
  • Catalogue Name : Zero
  • Design Type: Vinyl Wallpaper on a Non Woven Basis
  • Roll width (M): 0.53M *10.05M
  • Roll Size (M): 57 Sqft
  • Match: Offset 53 cm
  • Cleaning: Spongable
  • Cost per sq.feet :Rs 114


Zero- Cristina Masi – Made In Italy
The reference to the Arche means to praise the magic touch and never out of fashion of the primordial architecture. In spite of the evolution, we discover in our houses the classical rhythms and shapes known since the VERY BEGINNING OF THE CIVILIZATION. The wallpaper collection entirely conceived by Cristiana Masi contains the mix between dream and reality, desire, history and myths, in an expression of materiality and light revealed only by remote cultures.

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Cristiana Masi




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